Yearning For Turning macht absolut Laune auf Snowboarden – jetzt alle Clips aus dem Hause Korua Boards anschauen und dann rauf auf den Berg mit euren Freunden!
Volume 9 – Homecoming
„We’re back with our annual instalment of the YFT series! With „Volume 9 – Homecoming” we celebrate another great season of turning on snow in the Swiss mountains. A strong winter made for excellent conditions almost everywhere we went, but in the end there’s no place like home! After returning from a lengthy trip to Japan, we called up our friends and hit up our favorite local resorts for some good old twisting and turning. The surroundings here in the Alps never cease to amaze us, and sliding down the slopes with the homies is a gift we deeply appreciate. Volume 9 pays homage to all the things near and dear to us – dreamy powderfields, freshly groomed corduroy, wavy snowparks, and the consequent smiles and high-fives. To all of the above, we’re grateful and say thank you!“
Featuring: Nicholas Wolken, Lars Popp, Gabriele Torriani, James Niederberger, Raphael Rocha, Thomas Stöckli, Ivo Florin
Filmed by: Aaron Schwartz, Christoph Thoresen, Mathias Wittwer
Editor: Lukas “Blume” Rösli
Graphic Design: Aaron Schwartz
Music Supervisor: Florent De Maria / MIDNIGHT Music
Volume 8 – Gone Boardin‘
„It’s quite simple really. After a few months off-snow and our focus elsewhere, we round up the gang again for the season we love the most. It’s like a band reuniting for another tour. To play the hits. To do it all over again. That’s what it feels like for us, and it feels good. Vol. 8 is about that feeling, those moments, the weekend trips, lap after lap, the carefree fun of snowboarding together. For a few months of the year that’s a privilege we’re fortunate to have. We reflect upon all of this in the form of a short film each winter, and come December we reset the clock and start over. Until next time – we’ve gone boardin’.“
Featuring: James Niederberger, Gabriele Torriani, Nicholas Wolken, Lars Popp, Stephan Maurer, Raphael Rocha, Thomas Stöckli, Runar Péter Hjörleifsson, Atsufumi Mizuno, Pepe Regazzi, Kiara Schwartz, Cyril Müller and Aaron Schwartz
Volume 7 – Holy Bowly
„America! Land of the free, home of the onion pizza. Volume 7 follows us on a short trip to the US of A for the infamous Holy Bowly gathering. After a powder-heavy season at home in Europe, there was still some pop left in our legs as we packed our bags and hopped across the pond to Mt. Hood, Oregon. Upon arrival awaited a seemingly endless setup of jumps, bumps, hips, bowls, transitions – a true masterpiece from the crew around Krush & Snowboy Productions. The week flew by quickly in a haze of bowly-laps, parking lot hangs and Coors Banquet’s, and what’s left is this short film to help us remember what a holy hell of a time we had.“
Featuring: Gabriele Torriani, Lars Popp and Christian Haller
Volume 6 – Carve Oddity
„Carve Oddity“ ist eine Sammlung der schönsten Momente der vergangenen Saison. Mit, aber nicht ausschließlich, tiefem Powder in den Wäldern Japanas, Wochenend-Trips mit Mini-Missions, um neue Zonen in den Schweizer Resorts zu finden, Slush-Carving in der Halfpipe von Laax und überraschend guter Powder im Engadin zum Ende der Saison. Trotz schwieriger Schneeverhältnisse haben die Jungs es wieder geschafft, das auf Film zu bannen, was sie am liebsten tun und wobei sie den größten Spaß haben: Snowboarden.

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