Zum The Grilo Memorial, treffen sich Freunde und die Szene mit Marko Grilos Familie, um an ihn zu erinnern und in seinem Sinne eine unvergesslichen Tag in seinem quasi Home Resort Flachauwinkl zu verbringen.
The Grilo Memorial Update
Heute morgen hat uns die Nachricht erreicht, dass das The Grilo Memorial von Samstag auf Sonntag, den 03.04.22 verschoben wurde. Der Grund für die Verschiebung ist die Wettervorhersage, die am Sonntag mit besserem Wetter und Neuschnee auf ein würdiges Event im Zeichen von Grilo erlauben wird.

Nachfolgend findet ihr die Einladung zum The Grilo Memorial im Original, wie Grilo´s Frau Nina den Text verschickt hat, und das am 2. April in Flachauwinkl stattfindet.
Einladung | The Grilo Memorial
„Grilo was so much more than we could ever put into words. We could go on about his snowboarding, his friendships, his laughter, sense of humor, his love for his family, sports, the outdoors and his passion for life in general and we should go on about it…
So let’s do it!
Let’s do runs, hang out, laugh, remember him and honor him, this April 2nd at Absolut Park and hopefully this becomes an annual thing, to remember the legacy he has left behind for all of us to enjoy.
We hope to see you there!“
With Love Nina

Programm | The Grilo Memorial
10 Uhr
Meet up at the Chill House
We all do a run for Grilo together!
11 Uhr
Banked Slalom
Team competition at Powder Shuttle. Ride in teams of 4 with your family, friends, or team up with others on site!
14 Uhr
Prize giving at Chill House
Hanging out and having a drink in grilos honor.
14:45 Uhr
Presentation of a special seat cover
We made for Grilo’s #30 chair on Absolut Shuttle Chairlift
15.15 Uhr
We head out to the Grilo Jump for a special Grilo Jump sign setting.

Banked Slalom | The Grilo Memorial
Grilo was a social, open and friendly guy, who loved his family and snowboarding more than anything, but also loved hanging out and meeting new people.
So the Idea is to do this competition in groups of 4 people, ideally with two kids and two adults teaming up. But wether its a family, a group of friends or just people teaming up on the spot, it doesn’t matter… we do this together! 🙂
To keep things fair for the kids, everyone riding on a ‘pro level’ will have to go switch;)